Designated Sites

Cultural and scientific water experts designated these sites on the basis of their geohydrological, biological, and cultural merit. These sites represent Arizona’s most unique ecosystems and helped to establish the region’s identity. 

An interdisciplinary group of researchers established Arizona Heritage Waters to bring the public’s and resource managers’ attention to these sites and the threats they are confronting. The project was undertaken in the hopes that beauty and importance of these sites will inspire state visitors, residents, and policy makers to make decisions that ensure their continued existence.

water sites map Aravaipa Creek Hohokam Canal System


  1. Aravaipa Creek
  2. Beaver Creek
  3. Bill Williams River
  4. Castle Hot Springs
  5. Cienega Creek
  6. Fossil Creek
  7. Hohokam Canal System River Valley
  8. Lees Ferry
  9. Montezuma Well
  10. Paria River
  11. Pipe Spring
  12. Santa Cruz River Headwaters
  13. Shea Spring
  14. Sonoita Creek
  15. Theodore Roosevelt Dam
  16. Thunder Springs and Thunder River
  17. Tres Rios
  18. Upper Verde River
  19. Vasey's Paradise
  20. Wilcox Playa
  21. Yaqui River Drainage

The map shows the locations of the Arizona Heritage Waters sites. Click on any of the locations to start learning about the astounding places that have played a key role in the state’s history, culture, and ecology.

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©2011 Arizona Board of Regents, Northern Arizona University
South San Francisco Street, Flagstaff, Arizona 86011